Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Las Vegas Accident Attorneys - Blog | David Francis Law - Personal ...

During a recent trip to the grocery store, the sales clerk (checkout technician?) asked me about my job. ?I work at a personal injury law firm,? I said. Her response was. ?Oh, do you handle divorces??

Being so close to one small corner of the legal profession, it is sometimes difficult for me to appreciate that not everyone knows exactly what I do for a living. So, without further ado, here is what a Las Vegas personal injury attorney does, legally speaking.

Do we handle divorces? The short answer is no, we do not. Family law can be complicated and it is best to consult with a family law specialist in order to receive the best possible advice and representation. Asking a Las Vegas personal injury attorney to help you with a child custody matter would be like asking an OB/GYN to perform your rhinoplasty.

Do we literally chase ambulances? No. We do not chase ambulances. Our business comes almost exclusively from referrals.

Being injured is just one aspect of a personal injury case. The reason our profession exists is because that injury was caused by another?s negligence. When an injury you suffer is the fault of someone else it sometimes takes legal action for you to be recompensed for that loss.

Is what we do like what we see on?Law & Order??A popular misconception is that we spend a lot of time in courtroom trials. That is just not the case. While we certainly enjoy all aspects of our job, including the trial process, most of the cases we work on settle long before going to trial. A nice review of the personal injury case process can be found here.

Would we consider ourselves to be litigious??This is perhaps another misconception about our industry. The phrase ?I am going to sue you!? is thrown around with abandon in our society. We do not sue people willy-nilly. In a personal injury lawsuit, the individual who caused the accident is sued, but it is his or her insurance company that has to pay and it is the insurance company lawyers who we deal with. As was stated previously, many cases settle before a lawsuit is even filed. Our goal is not to sue everybody who makes a mistake. Our goal is to help our clients recover what they lost.

If we are not in court, arguing in front of a jury, what do we do all day??From preparing demand letters to case discovery, the Nevada legal process is time consuming, requiring an extreme attention to detail. We meet with clients who have been injured and find out how they are doing. We aslo spend time informing them about what steps have been taken in their case. We speak directly to insurance adjusters and policy managers on a daily basis, too. We wish we could say that all we do is file a lawsuit and then wait for the insurance company to write us a check. That, however is far from the truth.

From those injured in automobile accidents to those who suffer from?unnecessary?surgical complications, we make sure that the law works for them. If you are asking yourself why you should call an accident attorney here in Southern Nevada, here is the answer. If you or someone you know has been injured because of someone else?s negligence, call David Francis today.


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